Thursday 14 July 2016


My Name is Dinesh, which comes from Sanskrit , Dina - Day and Esha - Lord. My father's family practice Hinduism. My mother's family follow indigenous Meitei Religion. I spent my childhood in the company of manyalmost all Hindu friends. My family practices both elements of Hinduism and Sanamahi. I studied in a Christian School. One of my best friends in school was a Christian. My friends during the off years were almost all Muslims. My best friend to whom I look up to is a Muslim. Somewhere in the journey, I feel I have lost the feeling of hatred towards other religion which I don't follow. I feel complete with these people. We play Holi together, We do iftar together. We celebrate Christmas together. Religionis not a bone of contention in our part of India, except for few places. I hope the rest of the country develops this sense

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